Michael Stratford in the News and Media

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Michael Stratford, Speaker, Master Certified Coach and Author, in the News and Media

Michael StratfordKnown as the Provocateur of Transformation, Michael Stratford is a personal growth expert with an innovative and unique approach. He is known for unleashing personal and business transformations. 

As a highly engaging speaker, workshop presenter, Master Certified Coach and author of four books on coaching, the media often reaches out to Michael seeking information about leveraging your unique self, gamifying your life, leadership and coaching.

Story Angles and Topics

Michael Stratford is available to contribute unique insights, sound bites and featured content to media professionals working on topics, articles and interviews.

All content provided is customized for your specific industry, needs and target outcomes. Possible story angles include:

Media Resources

High-Resolution Images of Michael Stratford

These high-resolution images are offered as .JPG files free for use by the media. Simply click on the images you’d like to use and download them to your computer.

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Media Archive

Media Appearances
  • Radio KKZZ Ventura, California (Sept 2011)
    Michael being interviewed on “Quintessential Leadership” (18 minutes)

  • Critical Mass Radio (Nov 2011)
    Michael being interviewed on “Provoke, Evoke or Go Home!” (45 minutes)
  • Very First TV appearance as coach: Philadelphia NBC evening news  
Published Articles
To schedule an interview or to discuss an upcoming event, please contact Michael Stratford directly at (949) 716-9267.

Connect with Michael Stratford

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Michael Stratford | P.O. Box 3482 | Laguna Hills, CA 92654