Masterful Questions
Discover How to Listen for the Question
Your Coaching Client Needs You to Ask
Masterful Questions: Getting to the Heart
of the Matter
eBook by Michael Stratford
At the heart of every great coaching session is a question. The questions seem to come from the coach, however, masterful questions come from a deep connection with a client.
One of the most powerful things a coach can listen for in all of their coaching is the question a client needs the coach to ask. It is in this fashion that the coach is in true service to their clients. It is not about the brilliance of the coach. It is about the magnificence of the relationship.
In order to be masterful at questions, one must be willing to give over the ego and work from service. It is then and only then that the coach creates the space to fully honor and value the full intelligence, creativity, and capability of their client.
This book is about creating questions, but more importantly, it’s about where the questions come from and the relationship to the present moment that creates them.