Be Yourself AMPed™ Program
Practice Doing it Your Way While on the
Path to Becoming the Most “YOU” You Can Possibly Be

Be Yourself or Die Someone Else AMPed™ Program
At My Pace education by Michael Stratford
What are the advantages of being yourself? Well, the first and foremost is that there’s no competition whatsoever. And while we can attempt to “be like Mike” the best we can hope for is a diluted version of someone else because we’ll never have the internal workings to do that. Yes, we can imitate others effectively, but we lose the single thing that has us stand out from the crowd. Ourselves.
Other benefits are more sustainable actions on our own behalf because we are organically congruent with who we are and our deepest meaning. We can find careers, mates or environments in which we thrive with much less effort because they support our uniqueness rather than seeking to constantly modify us to fit their needs. Bottom line, while it’s a challenge at the beginning, it’s just much simpler and more successful to be ourselves.
The Program
This is a create-your-own-adventure self-paced course. We’d have to do it that way; otherwise, we’re attempting to clone you. You get to choose which modules you take, when and in what order since they’re all self-contained. You get to choose the timing of delivery—either all at once or in a once-a-week method to help you not have to eat the whole elephant at once. You get to choose the “making it real” exercises out of a menu for those. In short, you get to practice doing it your way while on the path to becoming the most “you” you can possibly be. It’s the most personally creative, transformational personal development path out there. And there are only seven sessions to play with.
What’s Included
- A one-on-one, 60-minute coaching session with Michael scheduled when it suits you, anytime within three months of registering
- Seven recorded modules
- MP3s to help subtract the historical “that’s not really me” stuff you’ve picked up along the way.
- PDF worksheets to help guide you checklist style
- A menu of the options possible to help you integrate a particular message from the Be Yourself modules
- Access to a monthly Q & A webinar on Being Yourself “What to do When’s”