The Game of Coaching
Are You Playing the Game of Coaching,
or is the Game Playing You?
The Game of Coaching
Print Edition or eBook by Michael Stratford
The Game of Coaching is about treating the business and experience of coaching like one of the best games you’ve ever played. In true coaching fashion, it doesn’t tell you what to do, it just informs you of some of the basic elements inherent in every game and then asks how you want to set it up and play.
If coaching is one more job and feels like everything else you’ve ever engaged with for work, then you’re missing the point and more importantly, missing the fun. The concepts in this book and their practical application of the ideas allow you to not only play in your business, but also use the same frame to help others play in theirs.
Coaching is a made up game no matter how serious it seems, so you might as well play it well. So, I ask you, are you playing the game or is the game playing you?