Registered for Masterful Evocateur
Congratulations! You have been registered for the Masterful Evocateur webinar series.
Thank you for investing in the “Masterful Evocateur” webinar series. You will receive further emails from me soon, letting you know more details about the webinars. We kick off on April 26 at 6pm Pacific (LA) time. The first session is 1.5 hours then the rest are 1 hour in length.
Please ensure you have added [email protected] to your approved list. And even better the domain, otherwise some of these emails end up in your spam folder.
If you have any technical questions, please email [email protected] with “Masterful Evocateur Question” in the subject line, and she will be able to help you.
In the meantime, why not sign up to receive a Weekly Nugget of Wisdom from me, aka Ru Sirius – from beyond the brightest star in the night sky! Yes, I’m playful and whimsical, not just deep and meaningful. There is a sign up form to the right. I’m sure you’ll receive the perfect nuggets of wisdom each week!
I look forward to evoking with you soon.
Michael Stratford
The Provocateur of Transformation